This is the cornerstone of all Financial Planning. It provides you, your dependents and/or business, with the ability to continue to reach the goals and aspirations that you have for all concerned.
How would your family or your business cope financially if you were to die? This is not a subject that we like to think or talk about, but it is fundamentally a very important issue for all of us. None of us would like to leave our family facing financial difficulties and that is why life insurance is so important. It can provide a cash sum which could give your family additional security with an ongoing income, provide a lump sum or simply help to pay off a mortgage.
From a business perspective it is worth considering how your employer or employees would be able to continue if you were not there. You may have spent many years building up your own business and it is therefore worth considering what would happen to it without you and the subsequent impact on your family and colleagues.
It also makes sense to think about what would happen if you suffered from a critical illness, such as cancer, a heart attack or a stroke, or had an accident that stopped you working for a while. We offer plans that help to protect you and your family in a range of circumstances - plans that will help to keep safe what is most important to you.
JEM Financial Planning can offer a range of solutions that we can tailor for your own circumstances and budget. Some of the types of protection we can help you with are:
Life Cover
Critical Illness Cover
Income Protection
Business Protection
Family Income Benefit
Inheritance Tax Planning
Private Medical Insurance
It is very important in difficult times that, with the least amount of inconvenience, the right amount of money is paid to the right people at the right time. We can help you to set up trusts to ensure your wishes are met.
Please get in touch with us to see how we can help you in any of these areas, we will happily review, at our own expense, any current policies that you have in place to ensure they remain suitable for your circumstances.
As Independent Financial Advisers we are able to give you unbiased and relevant financial advice whatever your circumstances from the whole of the Financial Services marketplace.​ The first meeting that we have with any new client is always carried out at our own expense and there is never any obligation for you to deal with us further, giving you total peace of mind.